Use our online directory of the world's leading tech companies to help you make more informed decisions.


Benetech develops technology solutions to address social and environmental challenges, focusing on areas such as human rights, literacy, and environmental conservation.


GiveDirectly provides direct cash transfers to people living in poverty, using technology to deliver assistance efficiently and transparently.

Equalize Health

Equalize Health develops low-cost medical devices and technology solutions to improve healthcare access and outcomes in low-resource settings worldwide.


Avaaz is a global civic organization that uses technology to mobilize citizens worldwide for social and environmental change, advocating for issues such as human rights, climate action, and democracy.


WeRobotics builds local capacity and expertise in developing countries to use drones and robotics for social good, including applications in healthcare, disaster response, and environmental conservation.

The Ocean Cleanup

The Ocean Cleanup develops advanced technologies to remove plastic pollution from the world's oceans and rivers, aiming to create a cleaner and healthier environment. uses technology and innovative financing models to provide access to safe water and sanitation to communities in need around the world.

Digital Green

Digital Green empowers smallholder farmers in developing countries with agricultural knowledge and best practices using digital technology and community-led videos.


Techfugees is a global community of technologists, startups, and NGOs working together to support refugees and displaced people through technology solutions.

Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps utilizes technology and innovation to deliver humanitarian aid and empower communities affected by crisis and poverty worldwide.

Global Citizen

Global Citizen is a movement aiming to end extreme poverty by 2030, mobilizing people and resources through technology and advocacy efforts. promotes computer science education and coding skills among students, particularly those from underrepresented groups, to prepare them for future opportunities in technology.

One Laptop per Child (OLPC)

OLPC aims to provide low-cost, connected laptops to children in developing countries to improve their education and access to information.


Goodera provides technology solutions for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability management, helping companies track and manage their social and environmental impact.

UNICEF Innovation

UNICEF's Innovation program works on leveraging technology and innovation to address the needs of children and communities in areas such as health, education, and child protection.


TechSoup connects nonprofit organizations with technology solutions and resources to help them achieve their missions more effectively.

Cisco Networking Academy

Cisco's Networking Academy provides IT education and training to students worldwide, empowering them with networking and cybersecurity skills for career opportunities.

Apple's environmental initiatives aim to minimize the environmental impact of its products and operations, focusing on renewable energy and resource conservation.

LinkedIn for Good

LinkedIn's social impact program focuses on leveraging its platform for social good, including initiatives related to job training, economic opportunity, and diversity and inclusion.

Mozilla Foundation

Mozilla's foundation focuses on promoting openness, innovation, and participation on the internet, advocating for digital rights and privacy.

HP's philanthropic efforts include initiatives to improve education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability through technology solutions.

Intel's philanthropic arm focuses on improving STEM education and expanding digital inclusion initiatives worldwide.

Microsoft's philanthropic initiative aims to empower people and organizations through technology, with focuses on education, accessibility, and environmental sustainability.

Google's philanthropic arm focuses on using technology to address global challenges, including education, economic opportunity, and environmental sustainability.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS provides cloud infrastructure and IoT solutions empowering Factory 4.0 advancements and leveraging technology for positive impact.


Walmart is a multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores. They provide a wide range of goods, including technology products.


OpenAI is an American artificial intelligence (AI) research laboratory consisting of the non-profit OpenAI Incorporated and its for-profit subsidiary corporation OpenAI Limited Partnership. OpenAI conducts AI research with the declared intention of promoting and developing a friendly AI.


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