
Theme : Martech

Marketing is shifting from the image of "send an email" to digital marketing with revolutionized tech. Marketing plays a vital role for any organisation, but what are the core technologies transforming how businesses promote their products and services?


Data is becoming a central tool for almost all businesses, and input sources are growing rapidly, so managing data flows is key to future profitability. That is where AI can thrive –automating processes and analytics to offer businesses key insights into how they –and their customers –function.Introducing an AI into a legacy system can be daunting, but it can also create new ways of working, reducing costs, and driving up profits.


Theme : Telecoms

TechInformed looks at the latest trends from the telecoms world. What are the key benefits of a private 5G network?And what about SD-WAN? In a world that is moving fully past Covid-19, how are enterprises structuring their networks to deal with the hybrid working future?


2022 was a disastrous year for cryptocurrency, with majorcoins plummeting and the collapse of FTX undermining confidence in the market. Can 2024 see Crypto bounce back? If so, how? We will also look at how traditional financial institutions are adopting new technology to compete with new service providers using crypto and other products.


Is the metaverse still the next big tech trend on the cusp of featuring in our everyday lives? When Mark Zuckerberg rebranded Facebook as Meta, he was acknowledging that the future of the internet could be in immersive technology, but end-user adoption of the metaverse and acquisitions of VR headsets is still relatively small. The question is, why? Did Zuckerberg misjudge the market?


As cloud applications increase in popularity. 94% of enterprises use cloud services. 67% of enterprise infrastructure is now cloud-based. 92% of businesses have a multi-cloud strategy in place or in the works. Which industries are yet to embrace the cloud or hybrid models? And Why?


Theme : Robotics

From automated machinery in factories to self-driven delivery drones, robotics and automation are rapidly becoming vital parts of many industries. Yet it still feels like we are a long way from the sci-fi “robot in the home” future –so what are adoption rates like, and what industries are really embracing robotics?


Cyber breach can cost your business millions, harming it not only financially but also reputationally. Yet still, many firms continue to underinvest in cyber security. We look at some of the major threats to enterprises, how the threat landscape is changing, and what businesses should do to defend against cyber-attacks in a budget-friendly manner.


Theme : HealthTech

Not only is medicine seen as a right, it is also a business. But with healthcare providers often operating on limited budgets, what key developments are driving healthtech forward in 2024? And how can healthcare providers optimize their spend by adopting new and exciting tech?


Theme : Big data

Data is fast becoming a central part of the digital transformation story. For years, businesses have had access to a wealth of useful information about customers or the sector they work in, but due to legacy systems, have been unable to access them. New processing platforms, as well as AI and IoT, are empowering the new data age –but how can your business benefit?


Theme : Greentech

After the huge push post-pandemic to focus on green growth, governments rowed back on pledges, citing the fuel and inflation crises, leaving businesses to pick up the slack. Carbon capture and better tracking tools are being adopted but there is still along way to go. TI looks at best practice for turning your business into a green machine.


Martech : Marketing plays a vital role for any organisation, but what are the core technologies transforming how businesses promote their products and services?

Theme : Martech

Marketing is shifting from the image of "send an email" to digital marketing with revolutionized tech.


AI and Machine Learning : Data is becoming a central tool for almost all businesses, and input sources are growing rapidly, so managing data flows is key to future profitability. That is where AI can thrive –automating processes and analytics to offer businesses key insights into how they –and their customers –function.

Theme : AI and Machine Learning

Introducing an AI into a legacy system can be daunting, but it can also create new ways of working, reducing costs, and driving up profits.


Telecoms : Know Key benefits of a private 5G network? What is SD-WAN? In a world that is moving fully past Covid-19, how are enterprises structuring their networks to deal with the hybrid working future?

Theme : Telecoms

Following the Mobile World Congress 2024, TechInformed looks at the latest trends from the telecoms world.


Finance and Crypto : 2022 was a disastrous year for cryptocurrency, with majorcoins plummeting and the collapse of FTX undermining confidence in the market. Can 2023 see Crypto bounce back? If so, how? We will also look at how traditional financial institutions are adopting new technology to compete with new service providers using crypto and other products.

Theme : Finance and Crypto

Can 2024 see Crypto bounce back? If so, how?


Metaverse/ VR/ AR : Mark Zuckerberg rebranded Facebook as Meta to focus on the potential of immersive technology, but end-user adoption of the metaverse and acquisitions of VR headsets is still relatively small. The question is, why? Did Zuckerberg misjudge the market?

Theme : Metaverse/ VR/ AR

Is the metaverse still the next big tech trend on the cusp of featuring in our everyday lives? We look at how the metaverse is changing and what it means for enterprises.


Cloud & Payment Solutions: 94% of enterprises use cloud services. 67% of enterprise infrastructure is now cloud-based. 92% of businesses have a multi-cloud strategy in place or in the works.Yet what are the holdovers?

Theme : Cloud & Payment Solutions

As cloud applications increase in popularity. What industries have yet to embrace the cloud or hybrid models? And Why?


Robotics : From automated machinery in factories to self-driven delivery drones, robotics and automation are rapidly becoming vital parts of many industries. Yet it still feels like we are a long way from the sci-fi “robot in the home” future –so what are adoption rates like, and what industries are really embracing robotics?

Theme : Robotics

We are a long way from the sci-fi “robot in the home” future –so what are adoption rates like, and what industries are really embracing robotics?


Cyber Security : Cyber breach can cost your business millions, harming it not only financially but also reputationally. Yet still, many firms continue to underinvest in cyber security. We look at some of the major threats to enterprises, how the threat landscape is changing, and what businesses should do to defend against cyber-attacks in a budget-friendly manner.

Theme : Cyber Security

Cyber breach can cost your business millions, harming it not only financially but also reputationally. Read how to defend against cyber-attacks in a budget-friendly manner.


HealthTech : Healthcare providers operate on limited budgets, what key developments are driving health tech forward in 2024? And how can they optimise their spend by adopting new and exciting tech?

Theme : HealthTech

Not only is medicine seen as a right, it is also a business –one that offers some of the most exciting technological developments in the world.


Sustainability :

Theme : Sustainability


Big Data : Data is fast becoming a central part of the digital transformation story. For years, businesses have had access to a wealth of useful information about customers or the sector they work in, but due to legacy systems, have been unable to access them. New processing platforms, as well as AI and IoT, are empowering the new data age –but how can your business benefit?

Theme : Big Data

Data is fast becoming a central part of the digital transformation story. AI and IoT, are empowering the new data age –but how can your business benefit?


GreenTech : Post-pandemic focus is on green growth, governments rowed back on pledges, citing the fuel and inflation crises, leaving businesses to pick up the slack. Carbon capture and better tracking tools are being adopted but there is still along way to go.

Theme : GreenTech

In many ways, 2022 felts like a backward step in the battle for climate change.TI looks at best practice for turning your business into a green machine.


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